Vědeckotechnický park UP
Research at Palacký...Partnership and... > Science and Technology Park

Science and Technology Park

The Science and Technology Park of Palacký University Olomouc (UP STP), founded in 2000, is a place where your enterprise and your unique ideas can grow. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a company, or a student, we can always offer you something: We can help you with starting your business project, offer you an office and/or facility lease at a good address and affordable price, and advise you on how to acquire funding and transfer technologies. The UP Science and Technology Park is a bridge between the scientific and the business world.

What we offer:

  • Consultations on business ideas and preparation of business plans
  • Grant counselling and management
  • Counselling on protection of intellectual property (preparation of patents, trademarks, etc.)
  • Conference rooms to rent, ALL INCLUSIVE (including audio-visual technical equipment and refreshments for the audience)
  • Rooms and facilities for your enterprise.

More information for entrepreneurs at: www.podnikanivolomouci.cz

Transfer of UP technologies at: www.vedavolomouci.cz

The Science and Technology Park of Palacký University in Olomouc
Šlechtitelů 21, 783 71 Olomouc
Tel.: 585 631 420
e-mail recepce@vtpup.cz
web: www.vtpup.cz