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Research at Palacký...Science > Publication Activity

Publication Activity

One result of scientific and creative activities at Palacký University is its extensive publication activity, which represents one of the main criteria for assessing the quality and effectiveness of the academic work of individuals and even entire workplaces.

Index of Information on Results of Research and Development (RIV)

One of the tools for evaluating Czech science and research is the Rejstřík informací o výsledcích výzkumu a vývoje (RIV - Index of Information on Results of Research and Development), in which is gathered information on research, experimental development and innovations, on the workplaces in which these take place, and on the individual creators. The most common forms of publications are monographs, original scientific work in scientific periodicals, publications in academic periodicals, contributions to conferences, and reports on research.

According to the last available assessed data, from the period 2009-2014, the results of science and research at Palacký University show a significantly rising tendency. The number of assessed publications was less than 1500 in 2009 and five years later it climbed to number 5474, increasing more than threefold. The increase is also in line with the revised point system assessment.

The increase in the number of assessed publications and revised points is documented in the following graphs:

RIV Assessment

Number of Assessed Publications

Total Revised Points





3 597.57

101 707.54


4 000.71

122 834.71


5 204.53

153 671.43


5 253.74

182 070.76


5 473.99

188 253.63

The information in the RIV database is supplied by providers of targeted and institutional support from public funds - ministries, the Czech Grant Agency, the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic or local governments. RIV content, the procedure for supplying, classification, processing and provision of data is established by law and is the responsibility of the Rada pro výzkum vývoj a inovace - RIVVI (the Section for Science, Research and Innovation of the Czech Government).

This information is used as the basis for drafting state budget expenditures to support the institutional development of research organizations. A comprehensive overview of their output is also provided to the government, public authorities and the public, and allows control of the use of targeted and institutional support.